Monday, April 09, 2007

Chareese herald article...violence
responding to Chareese McIntosh article in Herald 4/9/07...

"seemingly, every day is a daily struggle for young people to survive."
**I don't live in this I don't really know what's it's like, but I think that personal experience is the best teacher. Is there a way for teens to positively share their experience with adults?

"...but no one wants to take the responsibility of making that change."
**What one small thing can each of take to "take responsibility". I think the large picture is overwhelming, but each person, teen and adult, can do one small thing to make a change.

"What our city lacks is effort, community, and youth involvement.."
**I believe that what our city has are a lot of effort, many duplicated and uncoordinated efforts that could be made better somehow...I'm not sure how, but I just feel we need to come together in a more organized way.

"without anyone taking their time to care..."
**Magic106.7 says "when people care, great things happen." I love this tag line, and when it happens, big things change.

"sadly, boston does not have a society which believes community comes first."
**I think boston does care, but some people are shut down by fear and lack of understanding of other pepole not like themselves.

"some want to help make a strong community while others sit around and do nothing."
**I disagree. People may sit around, but not because they don't to do anything. It's easy to not do anything positive when things are far away, but they are in our own backyards, and the violence will only get closer. People need experience with other people not like themselves.I believe everyone wants to live in a home/city/world that is caring and loving and acknowledges them for who they are.

"it starts with teaching youth that there are other ways to solve social issues other than violence; then it will end with the adults mentoring and being role models for us teens."
**In my mind, these should be the two big positive pushes. But it doesn't end here, it starts here.

"As a young adult there are few opportunities to get involved within our community and city.
**I disagree. What I see is teens only wanting to be inolved if they get paid. It may be hard to think longer term, but from my experience, looking at opportunities that don't pay immeidately will pay off in the future...examples, americorps, volunteering, etc..

"...when truth is the main source is the lack of support and communication."
**I believe we need more understanding, and more lines of communication will help.


Blogger Reesie said...

My name is Chareese and I am the one who wrote the article,i still stick by what I wrote and believe the issue of the violece in Boston is not hard to obtain.

10:26 AM, July 25, 2007  
Blogger Reesie said...

Omg Me being a teen I think what i wrote is greatly truthfull.I go to school with kids and I live in an area with kids/teens.what you may be diffrent then what I see.I know kids who are glad to do somthing were they are not getting paidYou can not baseone standard on all teens in the sity.I wrote the article based on what I see and what i'm surrounded by.Just because you don't see it dosn't mean someone else dosen't.I'm not saying you can't disagree with what i wrote.But what I'm am tring to say is everyone has a diffrent view on what they see happenin in the city.I'm only 16 years old and live in Boston everyday and this is how i look at the situations happenning to me and my peers.
(sorry if anything spelled wrong I was tping fast)

10:32 AM, July 25, 2007  
Blogger bigchainring said...

hi reesie...I agree that we live in "different" worlds..I don't see what you see.. I was just trying to get some of my ideas and thoughts out of my head.

12:31 PM, July 25, 2007  

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