Monday, February 06, 2006

hello cold weather's smokey biker

1. The cold weather is getting to me!...No ultimate frisbee means I don't get to run as much during the week. Getting home at midnight also means that I don't go running on the track, but I think I just got a bike riding partner, so that's "cool." ..pun intended;)

2. Why do bike couriers smoke? Another example of two opposites in my mind: smoking will kill your lungs, and biking will make them stronger.

3. I recently went to a Krishna Das (you can call him KD) concert and workshop. KD is a very interesting person. I pulled this from his web site:
"Chanting with Krishna Das consists of: Chanting with musical accompaniment, Meditation instruction, Readings from different spiritual traditions, Teachings and discussions about the spiritual path."

WOW...I took lots of notes, the music was cool, and I wrote this poem:
Just Be in the Sound

Nothing to do.
Nothing to say.
Just feel.
Feel the vibration.
A million years old.
Find your connection,
And you will build
Something greater than yourself.
As we’re all one,
Just be in the sound.
--Matt Crichton (01/15/06)


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