Thursday, December 29, 2005

Philly's cheesedance plays chess..

Christmas found me with two friends in Philadelphia—a suburb called King of Prussia actually. Not very walkable—cars zoom right by. There is a large park (Valley Forge National Park), where I did a bit of walking, running, saw 20-30 deer, and sweet sunsets. We also played a lot of chess (the waking up activity), and saw some King Kong. We went to Philadelphia Museum of Art (I was overwhelmed very quickly), had some yummy food—the secret omelet recipe, chicken paprika, and no one can come to Philly without having a cheesesteak; I had two actually! I read a cool book called Peace is Every Step, by Thich Nhat Hanh, and then we went to the consumer capital of the world (King of Prussia mall)—where the bling bling and Bang Bang makes sure everyone has a gift to give included with life and all it’s stories. The song of the trip was the Christian Mission Impossible Song—dancing included. We spent Christmas with Otto’s parents. It was nice to spend time with friends..and the sun even came out for a few days!


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