Tuesday, February 16, 2010

taco bell's decision engine looks for cerification

in the pics: my mom likes to make cardamom bread. It tastes as good as it looks; I've missed my bike when I was in Samoa. A view from our house, looking out onto a bay and bridge.

Lunch at TacoBell today. Two burritos and a soft taco. It was good, and the hot sauce inspired me to write the first installment of “saucy hot tales: eating at the border”

Ahhh….we meet again. But since we’ve met “will you scratch my back?” ummm no, and oh darn. “help! I can’t tell where I am. It’s dark and I hear laughing.” Simon, is that you? No, I don’t look that funny do i? you can’t see me anyway.

Today was also my grandpa’s funeral and memorial. It was good. Some memories from me below.
Cutting blackberry bushes on my grandpa’s property was my (favorite??) summertime activity. That was the hard work. The fun part was using a rope to rappel down a cliff. I thought it was a pretty big cliff at seven years old.
I remember grandpa’s pickup truck. I helped fill it to the brim with yard debris, branches, grass, and whatever else we could find. Then early in the morning we would get up and go to the dump. It was much easier unloading the pickup. I liked going to the dump in the early mornings because after we were finished we went to a diner on the corner and I could order anything on the menu. The truck also had a grumble rumble when it was first started, and grandpa had to push and pull all these levers and knobs. I think the truck only allowed grandpa to drive it. I never saw anyone else drive it.
Many times when I visited at grandpa’s house, he would try out new (?) jokes on me. most of the time I just rolled my eyes and said, “grandpa that is another bottom of the barrel.” He kept trying though.
Grandpa always had a wall street journal (and a few other papers) everyday. He read them cover to cover! Everyday! He inspired an interest in investing. A few investing related tips I remember: “only buy stocks in blocks of 100 shares. You have to know the company you’re investing in.” grandpa (and grandma) also “inspired” a spend thrift attitude. “you had better be pinching your pennies” he would say. I guess I still try to do that. I like sales and coupons;)
Grandpa had a pretty loud voice. Sometimes when he wanted my attention he would say “front and center” and I knew I had better come quickly.
I remember coming to the house to get the big box of legos out and playing with my friends from school. I think that’s where my love of building things and taking things apart came from.
I have a stamp and coin collection. Grandpa would give me coins and stamps at various times.
Grandpa’s house always had ‘family’ in it. I hope I can have a family like that someday.
Oh and I know how hard it can be to rezone property you own. Grandpa was always complaining to me about the city meetings he went to and how no progress every happened.
I love you grandpa. Matthew

I asked my grandma her secret to long life. Here are a few things I heard: be happy. Keep busy. Do the crossword everyday. Eat healthy. Do physical work (cutting roses and black berries is good). Read your bible. Everyday.

Microsoft has a “decision engine” I wish I had a decision engine sometimes. Especially after coming back from a place like samoa. Back to a place like America. Too many options. Too much information.
And the (in)famous boobie flex. Where did I hear that? Oh well, I don’t know. I thought it was funny.

“any excuse to get dressed up in Astoria” well, you’d think there’s nothing happening in a small town called Astoria. Sometimes there’s not.
“There’s a lot of cancer here.” That worries me. I don’t like cancer. Hmmmmmmm.

Welcome to QuickTime 7, the world's digital media standard. Please take a moment to read the important information below.
Minimum System Requirements
• 233 MHz Intel Pentium class or better processor
• At least 128 MB of RAM
• Windows XP Service Pack 3 or later recommended
• Vista Service Pack 2 or later recommended
• Windows 7
Please note: A more powerful computer will deliver better playback performance

welcome to body1.1, the world's standard in body health. please read below..
minimum system requirements:
-8 glasses of ice cold water
-30 minutes of fun, medimum strenuous, weight bearing exercise
-20 minutes of quiet, still time, just for you
-minimum 2 minutes of heavy belly laughing

please note: a more power and sleek body will deliver a better, happier living experience

As I’m looking for jobs, it seems so many positions want to know if I have a certificate, license, or degree. Just being good at something or having experience is (many times) not good enough..hmmmmmmm…I want to be a certified yoga instructor, life coach, get computer certificates (A+, CISCO, Microsoft), and my MBA..seems like a lot..where do I start?


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