Wednesday, April 26, 2006

relax the iPod effect's common sense

1. Today's word is RELAX. I was looking over someone's shoulder on the T--reading the Metro newspaper. Bush wants to relax air quality standards. Gas standards have already been relaxed. Maybe we should all relax too--soooo much stress relax relax relaxaler...hey a new word..well sort of..Google tells me that I can get an MOD.relaxaler.gz file..I'm not even sure what that is...I think gz is some kind of compression though...the wonders of the internet never cease to amaze me!

2. I did a bit of walking this morning, and observed people and their seems to me people with headphones in their ears seem to look sadder than those talking with one another face to face--they always seemed to be smiling. I don't own an iPod yet, but got to hold a baby nano recently. It was quite small! and look--"Baby Nano Bag - Color Yellow" is actually a product I can buy..for my baby.

3. I saw two black girls on the T today. They seemed happy to be singing, in harmony I think. I wonder how they would feel about recording their songs and making some know, that starts the process of creation, not just consumption.

4. "common-sense portion"...more google...nutri-facts: "Enjoy those favorite holiday foods, but balance them out with regular physical activity and common sense portion control"...basically says don't be hungry in a place where you can buy food...yeah..


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