unconscious snowy Blindness
1. I woke up today and it was gray outside. That was before I really looked outside, to see it was snowing—it’s april5 today. It was not sticking…but this seems to be normal Boston—a little snow after some warmer weather…well, any moisture we can get is a good thing I guess.
2. I helped a blind man down the stairs and onto the train this morning. I sat down as we were off to the next station, and closed my eyes and tried to imagine what it would be like to not be able to open them again. I think it would be very frustrating for me…and then I opened my eyes again and started reading the Sun Magazine…
3. In the March issue of the Sun, the interview is with someone named Jeremy Taylor, who is into dreams, in more than one way. One thing he says “..we can discover more about the divine by exploring our dark side, because we are unconscious of much more than we are conscious of. So god is proportionately more present in the darkness of the unconscious than in the light of what we already know.
4. I was recently inside Harvard’s Museum of Natural History. I came upon two glassed in primate exhibits—one of bones/skeletons, and the other stuffed versions. There was no stuffed human, but there was a skeleton. I thought this was interesting. People don’t like to see themselves looking too much like themselves?
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