Africa knows Menthol..

So I'm headed to Africa--Zimbabwe actually--to visit a village meet some cool people...oh but should I be scared;) whatever happens, it should be an adventure!..just what I like..
This just in
"The US State Department says it's better to stay at home, and issued a Travel Warning that it recently updated. The Brits, however, seem to be less prone to hysteria or maybe just better informed. Although admitting violence is on the rise, the UK Foreign Office says it is relatively safe to visit the tourist areas and to just hold on to your wallet a little tighter in the bigger cities. Personally, I'd still go, but probably choose the tour as opposed to travelling independently. I would avoid going this spring however, since elections are due to be held on 31st of March and it could get ugly."
2. I just realized I bought two different products that both have menthol in them: Carmex (0.7% menthol), and IceHot (10%). Yea for iceHot goo when my shoulder hurts during swim team!
3. The poem monster strikes again..this time on the refrigerator...ode to the fish goddess...and milk!
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