repairing cars with drum sticks and garbage bags
in the pics: the "new" car; cleaning at solve's spring beach cleanup.
I started my adventure in car repair today—with an oil change. Surprisingly, everything went well. Oh, I forgot to say I bought a used car—a 1993 toyota corolla. It still runs well, and I also just changed the headlight. I also start a (part time) job at Job Corps soon, working in the learning resource center with computers…
Thank you for volunteering at the SOLV Oregon Spring Beach Cleanup last weekend! We had a very successful event with over 4,200 volunteers removing 70,500 pounds of trash and debris from Oregon’s coastline.” Yes, and the wind made the sand go sideways. But it was fun, I found garbage, and lots of cig butts and beer bottles in the swamp.
See pics
Drummer vs. percussionist. Which are you? I sense a word study coming on. Percussionist—person who plays percussion instrument.
Drummer-one who plays a drum as in a band.
Drum-a percussion instrument
Percuss-strike so as to shake or give shock.
I guess I feel a percussionist has used a greater variety of instruments.
Drummer-long hair/t-shirt/heavy metal??
Percussionist-black tie/tympani/ large orchestra
Black tie drummer-?
Reading latest issue of Hip Fish monthly newspaper…here are the interestings:
Many music concerts, many opps to volunteer, man commutes to work on unicycle, obama’s foreign policy plan looks like a photocopy of the last four years, and “the appliance [crock pot] faded into kitchen obscurity as not being very chic.” Well who says slow cookers are not chic.??? When you are in a hurry and want some yummy smelling/tasting soup with little fuss when you get home tired and hungry, this is the chicest way to get it done. Nuf said.
Heard on the radio recently: biggest factor for being happy: being thankful/grateful. Yeah..i guess that would be important. I’m grateful for: my mom, grandma, health, the warm sun, stars in the sky, internet.
Girl scout cookie recall?? Well, I guess girl scouts get a taste of how the real world works, or doesn’t.
March 1-7 is peace corps week. I don’t see much in the way of peace corps.
The individualism can be stifiling. After spending two years in the box, coming back to the I I and I and this is MINE is hard. Greeting and meeting people is different here. Adjustments, or more officially, “re-entry”. Sounds like I’m in a space pod.
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