Thursday, July 13, 2006

overhearing iPOD's standardized timewarp

1. I finally had my date with the REAL GMAT…I feel I’ve been normalized, standardized, and whitewashed!…and in the end, I am “average”; my score is 490—before scoring of essays. Is that enough to get into Stanford? Oh well, I talked with a friend who had done an MBA a while ago and she said “oh don’t worry, gmat scores are only part of the package!”..that makes me feel a little>> better..what a process. I guess there are people out there who really think that way…I appreciate them, I am not one of them and that’s fine with me.

2. I overheard someone say recently, “I know more married couples of the same sex than opposite.” Wow…that was very interesting to me…that must be a “different world/mindset” to be in…to have friends like that…I don’t more same-sex couples than opposite sex couples.

3. Yesterday the subway car had a lot of lights out…I love this, because as we flew along on the tracks down the dark tunnel, with only the small lights on the subway wall, I felt like I was in a time was cool!

4. I overheard someone else say recently, “a friend’s phone…had an MP3 player, digital camera, video camera, and held 600 songs..” how long before that little black box that does whatever I want and costs whatever I got?…isn’t that a song?A little girl on the subway said “how come we don’t get seat belts?” I just smiled.


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