Wednesday, January 10, 2007

cold weather cometh towards the Sun's little girl

1. overheard...a mother telling little girl "that's too close to the edge" when she wanted to
step on the yellow line in the subway station. I wonder what else is too close to the edge.

2. from jan2007 issue of The Sun Magazine: "...relatives in Libya...never once did someone ask
permission before picking them up or feeding them or whisking them off into another room. if in
the Middle East children are a public treasure to be shared, in the US they are a private
responsibility requiring professional care."What a different world I live in...a heart can be better than a about a professional with a heart?

3. I heard boston is finally going to get some colder weather nextt week...we've been having
weather in the 40s and 50s..and it's mid January. I have not put plastic on my windows yet!

4. I am a member of Arlington Street Church...bring it on! young adult winterCon and my small group..stay warm..and rock the spirit.