Friday, June 29, 2007

mexico in christmas lights' review this

1. boston now invites you! to an advance screening of the potter craze...but you will be kicked out if you are late..unless you are a member of the "reviewing press"..but with blogs and other online writing spaces, everyone can be the reviewing just gotta use it.

2. mexico...ahhh..a week in the sun and fun, and yoga, and body surfing, and awesome food (but no cheese:(), and more yoga, and snorkling, and ruins,..and more yoga. It was nice.

3. here are some pics I really like.which is why they are on my I can always see them...

4. makes me have a sad face: my christmas lights died...and it's just not the same...I need some more christmas lights..

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

quick hit with hiking and yoga

what's is going...I was in KS /CO two weeks ago to meet
sammie's parents, then road trip to CO for some hiking, rafting, mountain
biking, and horseback riding:) was really fun.
I was hiking last weekend..and next week in mexico on a
rolf gates yoga retreat..I'm looking forward to that..
I just mailed in all my peacecor[ps paperwork...we'll see what happens..I'm
hoping to leave dec or oct this year...