Thursday, May 25, 2006

Cat's overhearing multimillions--of kitty treats

1. overheard as I was walking yesterday: “’s the one subject where memorization is sort of irrelevant..” Really!…most of “real life” is NOT memorization…what does that say about how well our educational system prepares young people for “real life”?….. “…she was like this like person who like liked this prospect…” Like I don’t understand all the likes ..learning another language…fun!…

2. What does one person do with the $165 million he makes in one year? I think he could use it as insulation in his mansion. That’s a LOT of money! Today’s Boston Globe says James kilts gets this amount as part of his agreement to work at P&G (proctor and gamble) for one year. His picture has him smiling…I guess I would be smiling too…but I want to ask him…and the stockholders, and the community: Is it really worth it?

3. The cats have it…they prefer the crinkly brown bag over the soft purple cave.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Violet is not a type of raining food

1. Violet—one of the cats I live with—always seems to like my bed. She is quite a flirt, and very outgoing, even when she first met me. A few nights ago she was very open to having her picture taken.

2. man this rain!—where is the sun? I’m going to start doing a sun dance soon.

3. University of Portland alumni had our first annual day of service in the boston area. We journeyed to the Boston Food bank. I saw more food than I ever wanted to see. I was chosen to be a “first line sorter”—which meant all I needed to know was when to throw food out…other people had jobs that required more brain power…but that’s all I wanted. Some foodbank facts: most unusual items: gin and condoms, it’s estimated that 20% of the food that comes through the food bank gets thrown away, mark (our volunteer coordinator for the day) made all that food fun!, pump up the music and starting slinging food, our group ran out of food to sort about 15minutes before noon! I found this star market price tag…I didn’t see any vanilla almond bars.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

comparisons food's character builders

1. I ate some food recently, not a new thing, but what I ate was probably on the most opposite ends of the food health spectrum. I had an Odwalla Superfood bar, and then a burger King spicy big fish sandwich…Odwalla bar gives me 20% of daily fiber, Big fish sandwich gives me just over 600 calories and 1000mg sodium… all balances it out I guess.

2. It's interesting to me how Harvard business school's working knowledge web site had an article about a leader's character, and part of the YMCA's mission is to build the character of its young people. I envision a stronger link between ymca's work and the work of society's leaders...

3. I spied a few books outside the barnes and noble on the discount rack recently. Flexibility, cardio, meditation books...I guess people don't want to flexitize, cardiolize and meditize their bodies...or those books weren't very well written.