Wednesday, August 29, 2007

beer's bullet loses stress

here are some ads I saw on the T (subway)

lose the stress (go to montreal)
stop a bullet (call the police tip line)
perfection has its price (a beer ad)


Monday, August 27, 2007

Bruce at Ace wheel works

Mr. Bruce at ace wheel works in somerville helped me carry my boxed bike to Tags hardware this morning I'm headed to Peace Corps and my bike is going back home to oregon. I thought that was really cool. thank you bruce.

Friday, August 10, 2007

harry's iPhone

I saw harry potter..order of the phoenix last week.
I wonder what harry potter would do with a magical iPhone…use it to defeat the dark powers …call his girl..whatever..I’ve only seen the first two movies and haven’t read any of the books…not much a fan huH?