Sunday, December 19, 2010

darkness burns bright in astoria

please please please consider doing a backup of your important personal and work related computer files. My office building burned last week. It was not a pretty sight. as far as I know, no one was hurt, but at least a few businesses did not have backups. Not a good situation to be in. because I work for a financial company, we had backups, but the hard copies are, well, toasty, or now probably soaking wet.

Daily Astorian story (link is current as of 12/19,,,don't know if this is a perm link)

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

christmas in samoana 2

more pics that are going to samoa..

christmas in samoana

Here are some pictures I'm going to print and send to my families in SAmoa. to try and explain american culture..well the part I experience anyway..