Thursday, December 29, 2005

Philly's cheesedance plays chess..

Christmas found me with two friends in Philadelphia—a suburb called King of Prussia actually. Not very walkable—cars zoom right by. There is a large park (Valley Forge National Park), where I did a bit of walking, running, saw 20-30 deer, and sweet sunsets. We also played a lot of chess (the waking up activity), and saw some King Kong. We went to Philadelphia Museum of Art (I was overwhelmed very quickly), had some yummy food—the secret omelet recipe, chicken paprika, and no one can come to Philly without having a cheesesteak; I had two actually! I read a cool book called Peace is Every Step, by Thich Nhat Hanh, and then we went to the consumer capital of the world (King of Prussia mall)—where the bling bling and Bang Bang makes sure everyone has a gift to give included with life and all it’s stories. The song of the trip was the Christian Mission Impossible Song—dancing included. We spent Christmas with Otto’s parents. It was nice to spend time with friends..and the sun even came out for a few days!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The lost glove is silent..

hello mr. online journal..

1. Where do lost gloves go? Now that the weather is cold, I see many lost gloves, all alone in the world. Here is just one.

2. I have a T-shirt that says...well..just what this picture also says..I never thought I would see the same thing again.. saw at the Baptiste studio..

other stuff

here are some random thoughts...

1. I read an article in Men's Health about luck and successful people...interesting. But you could just flip a coin, change you luck.

2. I miss going to the tree farm and chopping down our tree for Christmas. Now I find myself scratch and sniffing the reeths at Shaws.

3. I have been working on my special signature that includes the letters M,R,C. It shows up in

the strangest places. You can also see it on some of my line drawings.

soprano's lyrics..

I usually don't go to concerts where there is singing, just because I like instrumentals better. Well, I went to a recital with soprano (at New England Conservatory). I read the translations--now I see why her face had so much expression on it when she was singing in another language. Here is some of the text:

No, No, non si speri
No, no do not hope! hope is dead!
Weep, thoughts.
Dressed in mourning,
in your sorrow, betrayed desires,
leave my heart!
The joys of love are fleeting flashes, lying, frivolous!
No, no, do not hope! hope is dead!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Leadership tv/articles

I have found some good resources on leadership...if you know anyone who
might find this interesting/useful..please send it to them.

1. There is a series on the sundance channel called iconoclasts.
A famous person interviews another famous person.
I think there are 6 or 8 shows in the series.
It's channel 121 on RCN..that's what I have anyway in boston.
Thursdays at 10pm...rerun monday at 11pm.

2. THere is an article from wharton business school I liked a lot.
"Nine Business Insights from Time CEO Ann Moore, Plus the Mix-and-Match
Women "
I know this is focused more around "for profit" but I thought this article
had some good points that could apply to any situation.
Here are some parts I Liked:
""You will not believe this," Moore said, "but you will never have more
control over your professional life than you do when you start out." All of
us think that when we grow up we will be in charge and be able to decide
what we want to do, where we want to go and when. "It doesn't work that
"All behavior emanates from the top and reverberates down the organization
to the lowest level. If you can, suggested Moore, check out what your
chairman is carrying in his pocket or in her head. What are her values?"
I think that the web site requires a login (free), but if you want to read
it and can't register/login for some reason, let me know and I will get you
the text.

3. had a good article where they profile and interview various
Shirley Franklin, Larry Page & Sergey Brin, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Bill
Drayton, Condoleezza Rice + others.
"Leadership, as the public tells the pollsters, is in disappointingly short
supply. So the 25 people profiled in the following pages are a heartening
exception to the rule. "America's Best Leaders" are an accomplished group
selected by an independent committee of judges assembled by the Center for
Public Leadership at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

sunny ice

Today Boston has the biting chill …my hands were cold all morning, but my room is usually cold says it’s in the 20’s, but FEELS LIKE 13..or below…yea…NOT. I haven’t zipped the liner into my jacket yet…probably soon.
As I was walking to the T, there were ice crystals blowing around. It was sunny, so it was really pretty. I forgot about the cold...just for a second though. I also have crystals in my room. When the sun shines through the window it makes cool “fire flies” on my wall.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

free/cheap music is GOOD

One of the things I really like about boston are all the free/cheap classical/jazz music--yea music schools!! Here are a few tickets from concerts I have been to recently. Also, some links to the schools/concerts.

MIT events

ProArte Chamber Orchestra (I volunteer for it's free for me:)

Longy School of Music

New England Conservatory

Berklee School of Music