Beef cantonese for your valentine heroine (or stud)

in the pic: flashback-->the maui yoga bootcamp with Rolf Gates was an awesome experience.
I’m applying for Teach for America and a teaching fellowship in NYC. I want to work where there is need. I seem to be pretty good at teaching. And I need a job. ‘Nough said.
Well Valentine’s day came and went. I have no valentine. But I’m sure loving the sun that is out in the sky…with very few clouds. I went for a bike ride yesterday.
I sprained my ankle two weeks ago. A pretty bad sprain. Trip to the doctor. Two weeks later. I’m trying to rehab it—doing some yoga. The outside of my foot where I think the tendons and ligaments got a bit stretched still hurt when I’m in the warrior I and child’s pose.
Reading Diplomatt’s peace corps samoa blog.. "But nothing is more sobering than driving through a familiar village and finding it unrecognizable. The Faofao Beach Fales are gone." WOW...good times I had at faofao. nice hike too. it's weird to read those sentences, even when i was in samoa when it happened. it's still weird and sad.
For all the huffing and puffing my mom does about learning computer-related things, I’m proud of her for trying. Tonight we learned how to design and print a business card. We got help from avery online design. That is a very useful web site. My mom’s mac doesn’t seem to have MSpublisher installed. I make her do all the clicking, in hopes she will (not really remember the exact steps) increase her familiarity with the computer.
My ankle is healing well. (sprained on feb 1) A call from the doctor says the x-ray shows no brokenness in my bones. That’s a good thing. But the x-ray does not show the fun with tendons and ligaments…of which are probably the real culprits of pain.
My mom used some of her flyer miles to book me a trip to NYC. I thought that was nice. I’m going for an interview with NYC teaching fellows program. i’m kind of excited to be visiting the east coast. I guess I like big cities. NYC is about as big as they come.
36 points in the scrabble is the word: heroin. That was the high point word. My grandma still won the game.
The superbowl was exciting. I mean the commercials. Yes, the game was exciting too. Too bad the Colts threw that interception in the fourth quarter, and then couldn’t convert for the touchdown on fourth down. It was an exciting game. Why do people like to watch other people get hurt (eg. Man with electric dog collar on him)? I laughed. My grandma laughed. Good job Saints! Payton manning throws really accurate passes.
Someone calling me from a 212 area code…4 missed calls…so I call the number. I hear the disconnected tone. Well…let’s see what the internet says…“This number is a landline based in New York City, NY and is unpublished.” So who’s the calling me?
I went to a couple of Chinese restaurants recently. Got a couple of Chinese fortunes worth noting. (well, I thought they were worth noting)
“a bold and dashing adventure is in your future within a year.”
Hmmm…I just got back from a bold and dashing adventure, but I’m always up for an adventure. The “bold” and “dashing” is what got my attention.
“an unexpected visitor will bring you good blessings.”
I like good blessings. Unexpected can be a good thing too.
If you’re in Astoria, OR, I have to recommend the beef Cantonese at the Golden Star restaurant. It’s yummy, with tomatoes.
I did another presentation about peace corps to a group of women at my church. I think I’ve done five presentations now. The routine is pretty note: I have not done a presentation with a projector yet, so I haven’t shown any of my 5000 pictures. Well, I did do one presentation at our house, which has a “fancy” tv that can hook into a laptop. I thought a presentation would not be doable w/o said projector, but it is working out OK. People seem to enjoy the music and stories and what few printed pics I have. Oh, and now also the souvenirs (thanks to Max).
I come back to America, watch TV…it seems almost every commercial is about some kind of drug..drug drug, or car. Drugs and cars. Fun.
I live in Astoria, OR now, but visiting Portland, OR. Portland has such a cool scene going on. Eyeing pages of the Willamette Week, and spied a band(?) called “five finger death punch.” Cool name. I wonder if it’s cool music.