Improper water in boston
1. This just in from Improper Bostonian…everything flashy, fancy, and bouncy…in this issue (the Man issue), the man is dissected, piece by piece.
“anyone who knows me would say I might be the least metrosexual person alive. I think it was based on one thing: I said that I like to get massages, and that was enough.”
Hmmmmmmmmmm….well I guess I’m a real metrosexual being then..i love massages too!
Page 22, ..what is a “Purple nurple”..never heard of it?………
“Plus, chicks dig a guy who can throw a football real good…”
I wonder how (how now brown cow) my football tossing skills are…now Frisbee, that’s a different story!
“If a guy can’t pound a nail in a reasonable amount of time without knocking it sideways or crippling himself, he’s probably never tried to jam a turkey carcass down a garbage disposal, and he might shave his legs.”
Well…….I think I can pound a nail pretty well..but you’re batting 0-2…I’ve never done either.
…….fun with Dave’s insanity sauce….”I researched this online before we came over here. It can only kill you if it gets in your lungs.”
Good to this in the testosterone edition of trivial pursuit?
“there was just no way I was going to drink that milk.” I think if someone had given in first, others would’ve followed suit, but everyone would rather suffer than be the first to succumb to the pain. How stupid. How macho. How manly.”
No comment……..
“Manliest drink..the award goes to guinness extra stout…”
hey…my manliness is coming back!
“I recommended a concoction invented by my disreputable friend frank called black death: a double shot of espresso poured into a pint of Guinness.”
I’ll have to try that!
Manliest woman: michelle yeoh….same person who is in Memoirs of a Geisha..
Well I want to see this movie..I’ve gotten to page 10 waiting in the checkout line at shaw’s.
Manliest man: sure, bond bedded women by the truckload. But is this really manly? It still entails touching, and touching is for sissies. Most importantly, an action character’s firearm defines him, and bond carried a walther PPK, a pistol with the sound of the word “pee-pee” in it. Not good. Conversely, dirty harry carried a .357 magnum.”
I guess the big gun wins.
“Upcoming issues: bachelor/ette; spring fashion preview; dating; shopping”
I’ll keep my eyes peeled……….
2. mmmm..water in all it's glory....well..I wonder if it's actually all the same...but it's all good in a hot yoga studio.
3. On the other end of the is now being prescribed for sick people...what are 'sick' people?